Thursday, January 28, 2010

Journal #2

I think that the animals are going to rebel against Napoleon. I think this because they just witnessed a slaughter of animals just because they were in league with Snowball. Also I think this because the animals still have some underlying memories if the truth. I think that they will soon recall these memories and rebel against Napoleon for deceiving them. My opinion on the matter is that is that I think the animals should rebel against Napoleon. I think this because he keeps deceiving them and planting false ideas in their heads.
Another prediction that I have is that Napoleon is going to disobey the commandments and form alliances with the boarding farms and with the humans. I think this because he keeps adding tot the commandments in the middle of the night so he doesn't break them. Also I think this because he pushes the animals to hard and does no work himself just like Mr. Jones. Another reason why I think this is because all the pigs that run the farm now live in the house. Also because Napoleon insists that the pigs get the best rations. While they are in the house they have parties and drink. In other words he is becoming just like a human and that is against the commandments.

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