Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Once upon a time there was a magician named Ralph. This magician was very rich. Also he was different from all the other magicians. Unlike the other magicians he liked to make his own spells. This was a very dangerous matter. For example if one went just the slightest wrong he could destroy the world. However he could also make something brand new. Now you know why the other magicians stuck to the books. One day while Ralph was trying to think of a spell a robber broke into his safe and stole some of his gold. Ralph was very mad. How could a robber get past his top of the line security system. Then Ralph came up with an idea. Why not create something to guard his wealth so it could be safe from robbers. So then Ralph got straight to work. First he set his cauldron to medium fire. Now to work. "Binga Botta Boom Abra Catawba." POOF! NO!!! Ralph just realized instead of creating a protector he converted all his gold into a seed. What a mistake. Then he chucked it out the window. Soon it was time to go to bed for Ralph. When he woke up there was a weird noise outside. So Ralph went to check it out. When he walked put into the crisp morning air he realized his small seed turned into a beautiful maple tree. But that wasn't the thing he was amazed at. The tree had golden apples hanging from its lush branches. Now it was time to try again. He first set his cauldron to medium fire. Then Oompa Loompa Jingly Jangly Boo Wumpa. POOF!! At once Ralph knew that he had seceded. There was a powerful presence in the air. Then out of the cauldron rose the most fearsome creature that ever roamed the earth. It was a dragon. But not an ordinary dragon. This dragon had one hundred heads and an impervious hide. It was also immortal. No only to name it. Joe? Na to lame. Jason. yeah right. Suddenly it hit Ralph. He decided to name him Ladon. Now that is how Ladon came to be.

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