Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Journal #3

The main symbol that the author is trying to get across in Animal Farm is communism. I think this because first the book starts off with the animals not happy with the farmer Mr. Jones. Then the animals rebel and Snowball becomes their leader and governs the farm like a democracy. After this some animals are not happy with Snowball and Napoleon takes over starting a communist rule that lasts through out the book. First off he gives the pigs the best rations of food. Sort-of like communists getting the best cars and houses. Then Napoleon bends the commandments by adding to them in the night so the animals don't know he is doing it. This is like communist leaders today lying to the public about something.

Another symbol that I think the author is trying to get across is to be grateful for what you have. I think this because through out the book Napoleon just tries to make life more luxurious. Also I think this because he works the animals has hard as Jones did and does no work himself just to make life better for only him. One last reason why I think this is because he bends the commandments to again make life better for him. One example is that Napoleon changed a commandment from "No animal will sleep in a bed." to "no animal will sleep in a bed with sheets." Just so the other pigs and himself could go into the house and have the luxury to have a bed.

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