Sunday, February 14, 2010

Journal #7

One of my favorite characters in Animal Farm is Benjamin the donkey. I like Benjamin because all throughout Napoleons rule he was not affected by all the deceptions that Napoleon preached. Also I like him because although he his not mentioned much you can sense that he is there. Another reason why I like Benjamin is because when Boxer is sent to the glue factory he tries to save him because Benjamin can read the back of the trailer which says it all. The last reason why I like Benjamin is because he was the only animal who's memories of Snowball were not tarnished. In short he remains loyal to Snowball.

Another character that I like is Squealer. Although he worked for Napoleon I thought he was pretty cool. One character trait that would fit Squealer perfectly would be persuasive. I picked this trait because Squealer was the pig that did all the deceiving ordered by Napoleon. Another reason why I picked this trait is because he is one of the pigs that preaches false ideas about Snowball to the animals. One thing that I like about him is that to enhance his persuasiveness he sways back and forth from side to side while he talks.

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