Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Journal #5

One character in this book that I really like is Boxer. One reason why I like is he sort-of carries the whole farm on his shoulders. I think this because first he wakes up earlier than all the animals to work on the windmill by himself. Then he stays up later than all of the other animals and does the same thing. Another reason why I think Boxer carries the farm on his shoulders is because everybody looks up to him and he provides the animals with new energy to keep working. One example in the book is when the animals wake up and see Boxer already working it fills them with energy and brings them up if they were feeling down.

Another character that I really like is Snowball. I like him because first eh puts the farm and the animals before himself. One way that he does this is because he come up with the idea to build a windmill that will power engines to some type of work. But unlike Napoleon he ants to build the windmill in shifts so the animals don't get worn out. Another way he puts the farm and the animals before himself is that when Jones and some other farmers come to take back the farm Snowball charges Jones all by himself and keeps going although he got shot. One last way he puts the animals and the farm before himself is that he does not look to make life only better for him he wants to make life better for all of the animals.

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