Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Journal #6

A major theme in this book is to be grateful for what you have. I think this is a major theme because throughout the novel Napoleon just tries to make things better for himself. First he is not satisfied with Snowball ruling the farm so he takes over the leadership. After this he has all f the pigs including him get better food rations than the other animals. Then he and the pigs move into the house and say they are only sleeping in the beds. Next Napoleon kills all of the animals that were in league with Snowball which were quite a few. As you can see Napoleon did all these things just to make life better for him and his acquaintances.

Another major theme in this book is cooperation. I think that this is a major theme because in order for the animals to complete the windmill they had to have a great level of cooperation. Fist off it took 2-6 animals to get block f rock from their "quarry". Then this rock had to be dragged up a hill to a cliff area and pushed over the side to get it to break. If it did not break the animals had to take it to the top of the cliff and push it over again. After this was done finally the blocks could be taken to the construction site and used as building block. As you can see it took a lot of cooperation to build the windmill.

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